
365tradingfx Review 2021: READ THIS before investing


It is almost impossible to make complete sense of what goes on behind the scenes in the trading world. The global market continues to grow exponentially, and several business firms have attached their name to offering goods and services to customers. The need of the hour is efficient brokering between two parties during this buying and selling process. This is where online trading platforms take over.

These platforms combine the ease of the digital world with the global stock exchange, thereby connecting people around the world. I have always been in awe of the way the world market functions, but have been a little apprehensive of investing in it myself. I started as a seasonal trader who invested year after year only to find myself walk away from it a little poorer and somewhat wiser.

It took me time to acknowledge the skills that go into play while strategically practising trade in today’s global market. I realized that I need to equip myself with those skills in order to profit off my trades. This is where a broker helps you and will equip you with resources that make it easier to navigate through the market.


I have gone through my fair share of experiences with trading platforms and have come to realize that each one comes with characteristic service operations. It is these services that have made the competition tough, and each platform seeks to stand out in one way or another. Knowing all this, it made it harder for me to select a trading platform that can help me start-up in the trading world. My research allowed me to enlist the characteristic features that were the foremost requirement for me and they were:

  • Technologically Advanced Layout
  • Secure Server
  • Optimized Security Regulations
  • Smart Tools
  • Up-to-date Market Analysis

I knew that I would be requiring extra resources, in the beginning, to help guide my way. I started my survey of various online brokerage firms and found a platform that seemed to promise all of my demands. To keep in mind, I was a newbie in the trading world and was not aware of most of the trade terminologies, but 365tradingfx is a platform that is designed with such simplicity that any trader will easily be able to make his/her way through it.

My review is essentially about my experience with this platform and how, despite being a newbie, I managed to effectively trade using its services. I will be keeping my review unbiased in order to allow traders an insight into the platform’s operations.

Initial Outlook and Registration Process

Now, since I was a novice trader looking for a trading platform in the open market, it was therefore essential for me to be captivated with its theme. 365tradingfx stood out to me because of its bright interface that is lined with the state-of-the-art graphical framework. The well-sorted display had me hooked, and I wanted to explore more about the platform. Its superfast execution adds more value to the platform’s services.

The first look of the platform is plain and simple, and you will find all the essential options that you require right there on display. So, even if you are completely unaware of how trading platforms work, you will still be able to make your way through. If you want to know more about the platform, you can head to the information section and a pop-up list will dropdown. This list has the option for you to learn more about the platform through documentation and communication. Thus, you can read about them by heading to the About Us section or communicate with them through the Contact Us section.

Initial Outlook and Registration Process

I realized very early on the importance of effective communication with your brokering firm. This enables you to develop a certain amount of trust right from the beginning. 365tradingfx has service representatives fully equipped with experience and knowledge to help you out in any way possible. While they may operate in a busy market, the fact that they deal with every client with patience is what makes them considerate.

I was able to complete my registration process through the live chat communication method. The highlight of this feature is that you can direct yourself to this service from anywhere on the platform. 365tradingfx has integrated this option on all its pages so that traders seeking the support of any kind do not have to re-direct themselves to previous pages. The live chat requires only your email address to begin and it may take a couple of minutes for the server to become active, but as soon as it does you will be patched through to related service operators.

The registration process is fairly simple, but if you are new to the market, you might not be accustomed to the market laws, which is why getting in touch with a broker can help you a lot. All I had to do was follow the steps enlisted by the service operator on the live chat, and I was able to sign up and verify my identity. 365tradingfx realizes how essential it is to verify customer identity in order to avoid identity theft. While the registration process may seem a little too long to you, but the security regulations that it helps implement are well-worth the hassle.

Chart, Tools and Assets

The most integral aspects that you need to evaluate in a trading platform are the financial instruments it provides. The high level of risk is evaluated by trading platforms themselves, and on this basis, they design their tools. You do not want to end up losing your entire invested capital, and it was this fear that had me apprehensive from the get-go.

Since I was a beginner in the field, I did not have set trade requirements and was willing to modulate my goals based on instances such as the current market scenario. This is why the chart was such an integral part of the trading platform for me. It allowed me to assess the trade data available and determine my own goals. The broker assigned to me helped me interpret the chart data and work the custom features. 365tradingfx allows you to not only select the chart type but also work the chart indicators on the trade data in order to make the positions obvious. This will help you make price predictions and subsequently make bids based on the spreads provided.

I found the Line chart to be the easiest to interpret, even though my broker explained all 5 types quite well to me. I find that positions are easier to track on this graph, but this is just a personal preference for me. Once you start custom setting the chart, you will find your trade decisions getting clearer to you. At least with me, I was able to draw out a plan of action based on the trade information that was provided. 365tradingfx is a platform that generates up-to-date market data so you will never find yourself slacking. Also, depending on your account type, you will be eligible for promotional offers.

Chart, Tools and Assets

You can access the trading hours of securities and determine their positions. I learned the hard way that throwing money on securities without interpreting their positions does not always work in your favour. 365tradingfx provides an insight into the market-making industry and you will soon find yourself becoming an integral part of it.


While I was still in the first few phases of being an active trader in the market, I had the experience of other traders at hand with 365tradingfx’s education centre. This section has eBooks, Asset Index, FAQs and Glossary. These resources have been lined up by expert traders who have been trading in the industry for years now. Their expertise will help you come to terms with the market values and regulations.


The eBooks that I read allowed me to interpret the circumstances that I faced in the market better. I do feel they could introduce more eBooks as once you run through all 12 eBooks, you will want to read more. While the variety of eBooks is impressive, they can surely replace some of them with newer ones in order to make the library more diverse. This works the same for other sections as well, as the FAQs may be well categorized, yet they contain only limited information. As you continue to grow as a trader, you will seek more information and the world market is such that it’s ever-changing. You constantly have to learn, unlearn and relearn in order to adapt to the change in circumstances.

Closing Arguments

365tradingfx is the first platform that I started trading with when I made my way into the online trading scene. This brokering firm is designed to give multi-asset access to investors and traders alike. They continue to grow themselves by taking valuable feedback from their clients and working towards bettering their services. I have made great progress myself by trading using the CFD on FX, Indices, Crypto, Stocks and Commodities they offer on their assortment of over 200 tradable assets.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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