

Should I hire a web designer or a web developer to redo or create a new website? In the early days, the answer to this question was straightforward: designers design the layout whereas developers code. Nevertheless, the question today needs a bit more connotation. You would barely be able to locate a web designer who does not have even a little bit of knowledge of CSS and HTML, and however, you will not need a web developer to whip up a storyboard. When we talk about web design and development’s general concepts, please look at their theory and their roles in creating the websites and apps we enjoy.


Whether to upgrade a website or create a new one, people look for web design and web development company. Both terms are virtually interchangeable as website companies looking at the way they describe their services. The truth says that both terms refer to two different aspects of the website building process that require two sets of exceptional skills.

What is so important to learn the difference when you are on the lookout for someone to design and develop your business website?

About Web Design and Development in a Nutshell

Web design speaks about the aesthetic part of a website and also its usability. Expertized web designers practice various design applications and programs to create a design layout and other site graphic elements.

On the other side, web developers convert the website layout into a well functioning website. Employing CSS, PHP, Javascript, HTML, and other programming languages, web developers bring the website design files to life.

Let’s have a closer look at both web design and development.

Web design

Web designers consider customers’ website goals and then privatize information building to zero in the website’s information sequence and help direct the design process. Subsequently, web designers can create wireframes and eventually proceed to different phases of the website layout. Practicing several design principles, they can achieve an aesthetically pleasing design that further offers exceptional user experience.

Principles of Web Design

  • Balance – Creating a balanced design is crucial for web designers. On a website, the designers often refer to heavy-dark colors and light-mild color elements. Employing the right proportion of each is crucial to achieving a balanced design layout.
  • Contras – Web designers plan contrasting colors opposite one another to give the website an innovative look. Website design offers some definite spaces where contrasting colors are applicable. Designers examine contrasting shape, texture, and size to delimit and draw attention to the website’s specific sections.
  • Emphasis – Emphasis is the design layout fundamental based on certain intentional highlighting features of the website design. In any event, if you highlight every single thing on a website page, you are likely to end up emphasizing nothing.
  • Consistency – The term is also referred to as rhythm or repetition. Consistency is an important principle of web design layout. Clean and steady navigation provides videos with the best user experience.
  • Unity – Unity is, as a whole, the connection amidst the respective sections of the website design layout and the composition. It deals with how the human brain visually organizes details by grouping the elements into categories.

Web development

Web developers – also referred to as programmers, take the design and construct a well-functioning website. In other words, the developers take a non-interactive design of a website and split it up into its constituent elements. They either employ HTML or other dynamic approaches integrating programming languages like PHP to create several innovative website pages. More advanced developers often opt to practice a Content Management System, namely Joomla or WordPress, to develop a website and get customers the simplest way possible to keep the site upgraded.

Expertized website development services convert a static design layout into a dynamic site by employing interactive elements like content and image sliders, active states for buttons and links, and more.

Businesses on the lookout for a new website or redesigning the existing one may get the wrong idea by inexplicit lines enclosing the terms “web design and web development.” Though certain people can practice both web design and development, many companies in Hamilton have a team of dedicated designers that can create a beautiful layout and then hand over the file to the developer who further converts it into a well-functioning website.

When do you need the services of a web designer and web developer?

As already discussed, to create a new website from scratch, you need to look for a web developer and a designer. In any event, teamwork makes a website function well.

A professional web design service is helpful when you do not have enough time to design website pages while penalizing invoices and customer emails or adding some advanced functionalities to your website.

A quick recap

The difference between a web designer and a developer is larger than you estimate. Web designers can visualize your brand idea into onscreen reality. They precisely know what users and audiences will appreciate the most.

On the other hand, Web developers build the core structure of websites practicing programming languages to create programmatic and logical sites.

Nevertheless, you will need the help of both to get the best out of your investment. When creating a website from scratch, you need the expert hands of web development Hamilton to create a foundation, whereas to get the feel and look you desire and the users may appreciate, you need web designers.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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