
What to Do Indoors in London

When you go to visit a city like London, you have to expect that rain is going to be likely. As a direct result of this, you need to have some indoor activities prepared and ready to go. Luckily, the city has more than its fair share of fun indoor things to do. Let’s check out just a few of them to provide you with some much-needed inspiration.

Visit a Museum

London is packed to the rafters with some of the best museums in the world, including the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert, and the Science Museum. Therefore, you are bound to find something that tickles your interest and provides you with an ideal opportunity to soak up some of the culture that the city has to offer. At the same time, you should also find that many of them are available entirely for free, and you can’t get much better than that when looking for some indoor entertainment.

See a Play

There are so many cultural events to enjoy, but the sheer array of theatres means that you’d be mad to pass up on this as a potential way to spend a rainy day. Of course, the most famous area that you can go to is the West End, and this is where you are going to be able to catch some of the most famous plays that the city has to offer. At the same time, there are also many smaller theatres where you can support up-and-coming artists and they are likely to be available for a fraction of the cost. If theatre isn’t your thing, you could always go to a stand-up comedy gig. There are so many clubs dotted all around the city.

Take Part in an Experience

There are many experiences that you can enjoy in London that take place entirely indoors. One great option is to check out a VR Escape Room. As you would expect from a city of the calibre of London, you can find many such experiences – whether you enjoy bowling or darts. You certainly don’t have to let the rain get you down when there is so much to enjoy.

Duck into a Pub

If there is one thing that the UK is known for, it is the pub culture. Therefore, if it is raining, there are few better activities than checking out one of the many historic inns in the city. Many of them are hundreds of years old and have a fascinating backstory that you can check out and find out more about. Another option is to check out one of the many fine cafés or even head out for a bite to eat in one of the arrays of excellent restaurants.

All of these are potential indoor activities that can certainly make your time in London much more enjoyable – even if it is pouring down rain outside. This is a city that is built for indoor enjoyment just as it is outdoors.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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