Home Improvement

Top 13 Things You Need to Be a Successful Handyman

If you’re looking to start a career as a handyman, there are some essential things you need to know. This blog post will discuss the top 13 things you need to succeed in this field.

We’ll cover everything from basic skills and tools to marketing yourself and building a client base. So if you’re ready to learn what it takes to be a successful handyman, keep reading.

13 Ways to Set up Your Handyman Business for Success

1. Business License

Before starting your handyman business, you will need to obtain a business license. This will vary depending on where you live, but in most cases, you can simply go to your local city hall or county office and fill out the necessary paperwork.

2. General Liability Insurance

Another important thing is general liability insurance for your small handyman business. This will protect you financially in case of any accidents or damage that may occur while you are working on a job. So, what does general liability insurance entail? This type of insurance will cover things like medical expenses, property damage, and legal fees if you are sued.

3. Basic Tools and Equipment

Of course, you can’t be a handyman without the proper tools and equipment. Some basics that you will need include a drill, screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, saws, and ladders. As your business grows, you may also want to invest in more specialized tools.

4. Marketing and Sales Tools

To be successful, you need to market and sell your services effectively. There are several ways to do this, but some of the most common include creating a website, handing out flyers, and advertising in local newspapers or online.

To be more specific, here are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Your website should be clear and concise, with information about your services and contact information.
  • When creating flyers or other marketing materials, make sure to include an attention-grabbing headline and attractive visuals.
  • Consider where your target market is most likely to see your advertising and focus your efforts accordingly.

5. Business Plan & Model

Next, it’s important to have a solid business plan and model in place. This will help you map out your goals and objectives and determine how you will generate revenue.

There are a number of different business models you can choose from, so do some research and figure out which one makes the most sense for your handyman business.

6. Quality Employees and Apprentices

You will need to hire quality employees and apprentices. This is essential for two reasons. First, it will allow you to take on more jobs and grow your business, and second, it will help ensure that the work is done properly and up to your standards.

When hiring employees or apprentices, be sure to check references and conduct background checks. You should also make sure that they are properly trained in the skills necessary to do the job right.

7. Positive Online Reviews

One of the most important things you need to succeed is positive online reviews. In today’s digital world, potential customers are more likely to read online reviews before hiring a company.

Therefore, you must make an effort to get as many positive online reviews as possible. You can ask your satisfied customers to leave a review on your website or social media page.

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8. Paid & Social Media Ads

Another critical aspect of marketing your business is paid and social media advertising. Using platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can reach a wider audience and get your name out there.

When creating your ads, be sure to include a call to action and target your ads to the right people. For example, if you’re targeting homeowners in your area, make sure to use relevant keywords and target your ads accordingly.

9. Accounting Software

To be a successful handyman, you’ll need accounting software to manage your finances. This will help you keep track of your income and expenses and create invoices for your customers.

There are a number of different accounting software programs available, so do some research and find one that fits your needs.

10. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Another important piece of software you’ll need is customer relationship management (CRM) software. This will help you keep track of your customers, their contact information, and their job history.

CRM software will also help you manage your appointments, schedule jobs, and send invoices. There are a number of different CRM programs available, so find one that fits your needs and budget.

11. Advanced Tools Your Competitors Don’t Have

One way to set yourself apart from your competition is to have advanced tools that they don’t have. This could include anything from a specialized piece of equipment to a software program that makes your job easier.

Research and figure out what tools or technology would give you an edge over your competitors. Then, invest in these tools and use them to your advantage.

12. Advanced Phone and Scheduling Software

Another way to set yourself apart from your competition is to have advanced phone and scheduling software. This could include a program that allows you to send text messages or email reminders to your customers.

It could also include a system that allows customers to book appointments online. There are a number of different programs available, so find one that fits your needs and budget.

13. Business Truck or Van

Last but not least, you’ll need a business truck or van to get around. This is essential for two reasons. First, it will allow you to transport your tools and equipment, and second, it will help you create a professional image for your business.

When choosing a truck or van, be sure to pick one that’s large enough to accommodate all of your gear. You should also make sure that it’s comfortable to drive and has all the necessary features, such as air conditioning and GPS.

Ready to Get Started?

There you have it! These are the things you need to be a successful handyman. Be sure to invest in the right tools, software, and marketing, and you’ll be well on your way to success.

By following these tips, you will be on your way to becoming a successful handyman in no time.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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