
Things to Do When Moving to a New Home

Moving house is one of the biggest and most exhilarating milestones you will ever encounter. It marks the undeniable beginning of a new chapter and the chance to make new memories in your new home. Although you are likely to be bursting with excitement at the prospect of being a homeowner, it is worth planning ahead to prevent feeling overwhelmed as time progresses.

Whether you are an excited first-time buyer or moving from a small property into your dream home, it is never too early to get the preparations underway.

Here is a brief checklist to keep in mind when moving to a new home:

Get the locks changed

Unfortunately, there is simply no record of whether previous residents still own a key to your property. Additionally, you can never be sure if keys have been passed from person to person. As such, your home is not as secure as you may think and could leave you at risk of burglary. It would be wise to protect your property and change the locks to exterior doors by hiring a locksmith. For additional protection, you could also consider changing the locks on your windows. By taking these precautions, it should give you the peace of mind that your home is less likely to be targeted when you aren’t around.

Plan a monthly budget

Becoming a homeowner is one of the most expensive commitments you will ever make. While the property is always a valuable long-term investment, it is essential to manage your day-to-day expenses through budget planning to prevent financial strain and unnecessary stress once you move in.

Before moving day, make a checklist of your monthly outgoings alongside predicted figures to give you a clearer idea of the disposable income you will be left with – for building your savings or spending freely.

Also Read:

How to Estimate Moving Costs

Create a ‘first-day’ essentials package

On the first day in your new home, you may not have had the chance to move all of your belongings from one place to another. It is always a great idea to pack a ‘first-day’ essentials package complete with all of the basic items you need for the first night in your new abode, including the likes of:

  • Plates and cutlery
  • Toiletries
  • Trash bags
  • Cleaning products

Change your address

Once contracts are exchanged, you will need to change your home address for legal purposes. You will need to notify the following establishments:

  • Home and life insurance
  • Health insurance
  • GP surgery
  • Bank and building societies

Evaluate potential hazards

Before moving day, it would be wise to do a walkthrough of the property to evaluate any potential hazards which may cause harm to children and pets. This may include aspects such as low fencing, sharp edges, or interior structural issues. In doing so, you can take the relevant measures to danger-proof the home and ensure that the entire family can move in without worry.

While moving into a new house may seem a tremendous ordeal, a little bit of planning can go a long way in making the whole process go as smoothly as possible.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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