Real Estate

Is Real Estate A Career For You?

Are you interested in a new career or a side hustle? A good idea is real estate. For a year, from January 2020-2021, “How to become a real estate” agent was one of the most common job-related searches, according to the New York Times.

Are you interested in a side hustle to earn extra money? You might be thinking about real estate. From 2020-2021, how to be a real estate was among the most related search terms.

However, building a good real estate portfolio can take much work. Here are some of the perks!

Your Own Boss

Being a real estate agent means being your own boss, including compiling, submitting, and filing documents and lease agreements while creating and managing the annual budget. If you leap into the real estate industry, you must start anew. And if you start anew, you will be an independent contractor and have to hold your book of business.

Call the shots, alongside a good attitude and work ethic – and the sky’s become the limit for your business growth.

Check out some real estate offerings from Megaworld!


A huge perk of the real estate agent’s life is the schedule. Every day is going to be fun. And every day is going to be exciting. It’s not mundane – gone are the days of mundane 9-5 jobs. Real estate agents set a daily schedule that is convenient for them. As a real estate agent, socializing, meeting people, and networking will take up a huge chunk of your time.

If you are an introvert and want a more flexible job schedule, you may need to put more work and practice into your social skills. For extroverts, this can be an easy transition to make. You will need plenty of social energy to network.


When it comes to income, the salary of a real estate agent is not under the scope of an hourly wage or corporate-dictated salary range. The time you invest in real estate dictates your income. Adding an assistant is one way to grow your real estate business income. Another decision you can make is to get the appropriate license; getting it will let you build your brokerage.

However, industries have their up and downs. In 2019, the demand for moving was low. After the pandemic, the housing market began to rise again.

The Job Outlook

The real estate industry currently has a hot climate. As of now, many are looking for houses. However, more than the houses are needed for the current market. As a result, the available house prices will skyrocket. However, there is one thing for sure: the real estate market has stabilized since the end of the pandemic. As construction is expected to pick up post-pandemic and the shortages will continue to dwindle, the real estate market will follow.

Moreover, there are a lot of possible careers within the real estate industry. You can become a title examiner, property manager, loan officer, and more with a real estate license.

Wrapping Up

Real estate may be for you if you want to take risks and enjoy networking. Remember to brush up on your social skills, though!

Author’s Bio:

Angelo Castelda is a freelance writer and digital nomad who loves to travel around Asia. He finds comfort in working around the beautiful islands, mountains, and beaches of the Philippines, which is where he usually draws inspiration when writing about travel, lifestyle, and real estate.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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