Home Improvement

How to Tell if You Need a New Toilet

The average toilet should last 20 to 50 years. With such a large timespan, it can be hard to tell exactly when you need a new toilet. If you don’t know the signs to look for, your toilet could end up failing at a horrible moment.

You need to keep an eye out for the signs of a failing toilet. Then you need to buy a toilet replacement. You can then hire a plumber to help you install your new toilet.

What are the signs of a failing toilet you need to look for? Read on to find out.

New Toilet Repairs Every Week

It’s understandable if you’re having a hard time letting go. Getting a new toilet can be expensive. And you may enjoy the sense of accomplishment that a DIY toilet repair can give you.

Look at Your Spending

However, you need to consider how much you’re spending. The cost of replacing toilet parts can quickly add up. It’s usually cheaper, in the long run, to go through with a toilet replacement.

Plumbing Services Are Cheaper

This includes the price of hiring plumbing services for a toilet installation. Click for plumbing services if you don’t believe this. Look at the price of these services and compare it to the cost of constant repairs.

Toilet Tank Cracks

Water puddles around the base of your toilet are not normal. If you notice this, you likely have a crack or more in your tank.

Inspect Your Tank

The moment you notice puddles around your toilet, inspect the tank. Look at both its inside and outside surface. Perform visual inspections extremely carefully, as it’s hard to notice certain types of cracks.

Repair or Replace?

You should then consider if a repair will be enough or if you need more. Repairs for cracks below the water line usually won’t hold. Repairing a crack above the water line is usually enough.

You’re better off replacing the tank at that point, at least. However, replacing the entire toilet will probably be the more convenient option.

Constant Clogs

Even a new toilet can clog up. But it shouldn’t clog more than once in a while. If it clogs every other week or so, your toilet is getting dysfunctional in its old age.

Age Leads to Clogs

The older your toilet gets, the more susceptible it will be to clogs. Are you dealing with so many clogs that it’s making you want to scream? If so, getting a replacement toilet may be the best solution to your problems.

Down the Pipeline

Keep in mind that your clogging problem could be due to an issue that’s farther down the pipeline. Before you get a toilet replacement, call a plumber and ask them to look at your other pipes. If they don’t find any issues there, you probably need a new toilet.

Outdated Round Bowl Style

Does it feel uncomfortable to sit on your toilet? If so, your toilet may have an outdated style that’s somewhat uncomfortable to use. You can also benefit in several other ways by getting a more updated model.

Round vs. Elongated Bowl

Elongated bowl styles tend to be more comfortable than round bowl styles. The former allows for more seating room. On top of that, elongated bowls can stay cleaner and allow fewer odors to escape them.

Round Bowl Benefit

The one benefit round bowls do have has to do with carbon footprints. Round bowls usually have smaller carbon footprints than elongated ones. If you don’t care about being eco-conscious, you may want to switch to an elongated bowl.

Having Enough Room

Still, don’t just rush into getting an elongated bowl right away. Make sure you have enough room for your elongated bowl first.

Measure the space between where the back of your toilet will sit and the object across from it (probably a tub or counter). Check the average size of an elongated toilet bowl. Is the space between your toilet back and the other object longer?

If so, make sure to mark down your measurements. You can use these numbers as you go shopping. Get a bowl that’s shorter than the space you have for a toilet.

High Water Bill

If you notice your water bill skyrocketing, your toilet’s age may be the reason why. This isn’t just because old toilets are more prone to leaks. Other issues can cause your water bills to get higher.

Constantly Running

Water should flow for a short time after you flush your toilet. It shouldn’t continue running indefinitely. This is a sign there’s something wrong with the toilet.

You may be able to fix this issue by replacing the flapper valve. However, this might not resolve your issue. It may be a more serious issue.

Call a plumber if your toilet continues to run. They may find a more serious issue. The only fix may be a toilet replacement.

Using More Water

Many older toilets just use more water than old ones. Modern advancements have led to residential toilets using a lot less water per flush. If you’re unsatisfied with how much your toilet uses, you may want to get a more modern toilet.

Get More Appliance Information Here

You can get the most expensive new toilet put there, and it will still eventually start to fail. Decay is a fact of life. You need to accept this and do what you can to mitigate the issues that come with a slowly dying toilet.

Make sure you keep checking your toilet for issues. Know when you need to stop the toilet repairs and get a toilet replacement.

Also, do you need any other information about different home appliances? Then check out our articles on home and real estate.

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Johnson Mack

Mack's a passionate wordsmith with a love for all things creative. As an avid explorer of the written realm, he weaves words into captivating tapestries of information and imagination. With a background in literature and a heart that beats for storytelling, Mack brings a unique blend of insight and eloquence to his writing.

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