
How Software Technology Evolves the Management of Clinics?

Technology has played a pivotal role in all the industries of the world, but it has been especially profound in the healthcare sector. Initially, machines and hardware were facilitating healthcare. But now, technology has further improved to provide with newer software that further enable better management in lesser money.

Moreover, it is not always feasible to change the hardware technology. Hence, novel software are being introduced that greatly improve the environment of the clinic, without any major equipment overhaul.

Software technology has enabled to change the perspective with which healthcare is dispensed, especially in clinics. From booking an appointment with the top dermatologist in Lahore to exiting the clinic, software facilitates all the stake holders every step of the way.

Patient History

The conventional storage system utilizes patient history and data written on piece of paper and filed away in the storage. While it is the easiest way to have the important information on the patient, it is neither convenient nor feasible.

It is not always possible to look into the archived file to dig up patient history every time they come. Storage is another issue; patient files are very private and contain sensitive information that can be abused easily if not locked properly. Moreover, paper is subject to wear and tear and thus there is always the risk of information getting lost.

Furthermore, if this information is not stored properly, patient has then to answer the long questions every time they come to the clinic. This makes patient experience less than pleasant.

Technology offers a much better solution. Rather than storing the hard copy of the patient data, there are software that allow the staff to take the history on a digital device and store it over the cloud database. This way, every time the patient comes, doctor simply needs to run a search through the database and get all the pertinent information on the patient.

This convenience is great as it not only improves patient experience, but the care provided is much better as well.

Diagnosis Process

Diagnosis is not an easy process; there are so many tests to look through, patient history, environmental factors that affect public health are all contingencies to be addressed.  More often than not, doctors also have to make the decision in the nick of time.

AI is very helpful in this regard. Learned algorithms are available through software that process the tests through the computer and give assessment about the disease, or the possible prognosis alongside treatment plan. This whetting process saves precious time of the medical staff; not only is the patient then given timely care, but doctor is also able to serve more people.

Improved patient experience

An integral part of the patient experience is the environment of the clinic. If the patient is made to stand in lengthy queues for payments, has to wait long hours for the appointment with the doctor, has an impolite staff to deal with, naturally their opinion of the clinic will be poor.

Clinics are dispensing healthcare, which ultimately is a business establishment and thus certain principles of economics also need to be observed. Technology is crucial here too; not only does it streamline patient care, but it also makes it profitable.

E-banking software allows for pre-payment so there is no hassle of queues. Moreover, patient review options are available on the online profile of the clinics. This accountability of the staff serves to warn them to be on their best behavior.

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Moreover, appointment booking software are also godsend. It allows for a more realistic patient booking. This way, patient can come precisely at the time of the appointment.

Thus, it is easier for the management to enforce discipline as well, which leads to an overall improved patient experience of the clinic.

Contribution to the research

Technology has greatly facilitated the domain of medical research. From machines that perform tests, robots for surgery and computer to data storage, scientist are then able save energies spent on the menial tasks otherwise.

Another important contribution of technology in research is the data analysis. AI allows for not just quick whetting of the reports, but also gives the trend of the patients’ data. This enables doctors to identify any common public ailments and come up with solutions accordingly.

Telehealth and improved access

Physicality is a great barrier in the patient-doctor relationship. Many patients are deprived of good care merely because of lack of access to a good doctor. Others have to make unnecessary trips to the doctor for routine follow-ups.

Doctor’s too have to face many problems. A lot of their time is wasted in commute. Taking time off due to contingencies also becomes very difficult for them.

However, with integration of video and audio consultation software, the physical barrier also is addressed. Patients, regardless of where they are, can call up their doctor; not every patient requires physical examination so video consultations are very pragmatic as well.

Moreover, the doctor can virtually visit all their patients, through the comfort of their clinic room, without wasting precious time in the commute. Likewise, the exposure of the clinic also increases as it is able to serve a greater number of people. Technically, patients sitting in Vienna can ring up the top dermatologist in Karachi with just a click!

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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