
Whale Shark Tours Exmouth: Swimming With Whale Sharks in Exmouth

Swimming with the world’s biggest fish, the whale shark, is a popular activity at Exmouth, Western Australia. It is a gateway to the Ningaloo Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with one of the world’s most significant concentrations of whale sharks. Exmouth has up to 600 whale sharks during whale shark season, making it one of the greatest sites in the world to witness these gentle giants up close.

There are several eco-friendly whale shark tours Exmouth that observe the whale sharks’ natural habitat and migratory patterns, so you may sustainably swim with these animals. Before swimming with whale sharks, there are a few things you should be aware of, which are listed below.

All About Whale Sharks

Whale sharks are the world’s biggest fish, and they graze on filter algae. They come to the Ningaloo reef because food is abundant there, and their migration patterns are considered to be related to coral and plankton spawning. They have flat heads, large jaws, and grey-brown backs, and they swim slowly, at around 5 kilometres (3 miles) per hour.

Whale sharks typically reach 5.5-10 metres (18-33 feet) in length. However, the longest reported whale shark was an astonishing 18 metres (60 ft). They may weigh up to 20 tonnes and are threatened by bycatch, overfishing, and boat strikes. Whale shark tours Exmouth are generally done in a manner that does not harm or affect the animals, and a percentage of the price is donated to whale shark study and protection.

When Does the Whale Shark Season Start in Exmouth?

Whale shark tours depart from Exmouth every year between March 15 and August 31. If the whale sharks stay longer than predicted, cruises may continue into September.

Time varies significantly from year to year. Tour guarantees often expire on August 1. The most incredible time to swim with whale sharks is between April and July since this is the height of the season in Exmouth.

What Are the Top Exmouth Whale Shark Tours?

Ningaloo Discovery Whale Shark Swim on a Powerboat

This excursion includes snorkelling around the Ningaloo reef, boat practice, and swimming with whale sharks. It includes snorkelling equipment, lunch, snacks, and pick-up from any Exmouth hotel. In the afternoon, stand-up paddleboards and kayaks are also offered for use.

The excursion costs AUD 455. However, there are no refunds or coupons if you don’t see any whale sharks. You also get a whale shark swimmer certificate at the end of the excursion, entitling you to discounts on other tours and activities the company offers.

3 Island Shark Dive

The experienced island crews take 1-2 groups daily on this full-day excursion, with a limit of 10 persons per swim. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, soft drinks, and champagne are provided. Buoyancy aids, noodles, and prescription snorkel masks are free. The excursion costs AUD 430 per person and AUD 370 for children aged 3-17. The no-sight guarantee lets you select between a free repeat trip the following day, an AUD 100 refund per participant, or a 2-year certificate.

Deluxe Whale Shark Swim Tour on the Ningaloo Reef from Exmouth

The whale shark Exmouth excursion includes snorkelling and drift reef snorkelling. Each boat has three observation spaces for non-swimmers and a maximum party size of 23. Each boat has a cameraman who records your group swimming with whale sharks. The trip includes hotel pickup and drop-off, lunch, and a celebration drink or sparkling wine. If you can afford it, take the AUD 525 luxury tour. Your money supports whale shark research to safeguard these beautiful species.

Is It Safe to Swim With Whale Sharks?

Swimming with whale sharks is safe since they pose no danger to people and are friendly and exciting. Nonetheless, there is little chance of injury or accident. Thus, basic swimming skills and following the tour operator’s safety guidelines are essential. Most trips will let you remain on board as an observer to avoid getting into the water. Before the adventure, safety instructions are given, and well-trained personnel are on hand in case of an emergency. Don’t worry if this is your first time doing something like this.

How Long Do Exmouth Whale Shark Tours Last?

Whale shark tours Exmouth typically run 8-9 hours and involve swimming with whale sharks, snorkelling around the Ningaloo reef, and lunch on board. Trips begin at 7 a.m. and end at 4 p.m., but your tour provider will confirm an exact pickup time when you book. Since it’s a full-day activity, get enough rest the night before.

Is It Worthwhile to Swim With Whale Sharks in Exmouth?

Yes! Whale shark cruises are one of Exmouth’s most popular attractions, and with good reason: it’s an incredible experience, and there are other sites in the world where you can see whale sharks in such large numbers.

Swimming with these lovely, friendly animals is a must if you’re in Exmouth during whale shark Exmouth season. It’s a remarkable experience that lets you get up close and personal with one of nature’s most magnificent animals while also seeing the spectacular beauty and variety of the Ningaloo reef.

Hopefully, you are now ready to schedule your whale shark tours Exmouth. Swimming with whale sharks in Exmouth will undoubtedly be the most fantastic experience of your life.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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