Digital Marketing

Marketing Trends of 2023: TOP 11 Trends

When you want your company to grow, you seek companies like Selpway Trading to help you out. But this is not the only thing that can help your firm succeed – following marketing trends is also something that can do wonders.

As time goes by, marketing trends change significantly. It’s not easy to keep up with them all the time, but in order to be one step ahead, you must do your best to act according to these changes.

Here are the marketing trends of 2023 that you should look out for:

1. Social Media Turns into a Customer Service Tool

Most people have at least one social media account. So, it only makes sense that companies take advantage of this to improve their customer service.

Currently, over a quarter of marketers provide customer support through direct messages. This year, over 15% of them are thinking of trying it out as well. Besides, many people want to be able to communicate with companies through DMs, so this would only help you improve communication and generate more sales.

2. Brands Will Try Out Native Ads

Native ads seem to be a great strategy. Over 36% of marketers who use them praise their effectiveness. Meanwhile, 50% claim that this strategy is the best for generating ROI.

So, in 2023, more and more marketers will leverage native ads for the very first time.

3. More Marketers Will Use Influencer Marketing

While Selpway Trading Ltd can help you gain more fans, so can influencer marketing. Through influencer marketing, brands can collaborate with influencers in order to bring more fans from their audience and increase brand awareness. 17% of marketers want to invest in influencer marketing for the first time in 2023.

4. VR and AR Might Become More Widespread

Fewer marketers are determined to invest in virtual reality and augmented reality in 2023. On top of that, over 27% want to stop using them altogether. However, things can change if AR apps and VR glasses become more accessible, though.

5. Video Content Will Stay Short

Short-form video has been very popular in marketing lately, with 90% of marketers using it. In 2023, the numbers are expected to increase. 1 in 5 marketers actually plan to leverage short-form video content in 2023 for the very first time.

6. Sales Teams and Aligned Marketing Will Work Together

Because it’s more and more important for aligned marketing and sales teams to work together, it’s getting more likely for them to join forces in 2023. Half of the marketers are already planning on doing this in 2023.

7. Companies Make Social Responsibility a Priority

Social responsibility becomes a priority in 2023. In fact, 89% of marketers who use it want to keep their investment or increase it this year.

8. Mobile Optimization Becomes More Important

Because customers are using their mobile devices more and more often, companies are trying to create better mobile-optimized experiences. Therefore, it’s increasingly important for brands to focus on developing better mobile optimization strategies.

9. SEO will be leveraged by more businesses

SEO is important, which is why, on top of using services like Selpway Trading Company, brands now also want to maintain their investment in SEO in 2023. However, the need for and interest in SEO is growing, so more companies are likely to get involved.

10. Inbound Marketing Remains the Best Practice

Inbound marketing became more important as the world shifted to remote work during the pandemic. So, growing brands will have it as the best practice. Any company that implements it has a higher chance of succeeding.

11. Experimental Marketing Might Return

In 2023, experimental marketing might make a comeback. This is because many digitally immersive websites keep getting larger fan bases and they can get better feedback from them.

Do you want to invest in marketing to help your company grow? You can reach out to Selpway Trading Ltd Company and consider the top 2023 marketing trends. See which one works best for you and success will come in no time.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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