
What You Can Readily Expect with Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair

If you are familiar with laparoscopy, you will already have a fair idea of how laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair works. The procedure is straightforward and not complex in most cases, and in fact, it is one of the most standard laparoscopic procedures done today. With the procedure, you will be put under general anaesthesia, and the surgeon will make a small incision just underneath or in the navel. The surgeon will then insert a thin scope with a light (the laparoscope) through the cut they made, and they will insert the tools they will use to repair the inguinal hernia into other incisions made on the lower part of the abdomen. They may then place a mesh over the area to reinforce the abdominal wall; other surgeons will sew the tissue together. But if you have been recommended for a laparoscopic inguinal hernia procedure, what can you readily expect?  Here’s what you should know.

The Basics

Most individuals who have gone through inguinal hernia surgery can go back home on the day the procedure is performed, and the period of recovery can extend from one to two weeks. If you rest well, you can probably go back to your routine in around a week or so, but you should not engage in strenuous activities or exercise for about four weeks. In addition, many people who go through the procedure have been known to experience minor discomfort and pain with laparoscopic hernia surgery compared to open surgery, as confirmed by The London Surgical group, experts in hernia surgery in London.

What you can expect with the procedure

It would be fair to say that laparoscopic hernia repair, otherwise called groin hernia repair, as London specialists like the abovementioned London Surgical Group attest, is relatively safe. Furthermore, if an experienced specialist performs the procedure, the chance of it occurring again is very low.

The procedure has more than a few advantages than open inguinal hernia surgery because it doesn’t cause as much pain. Along with this, laparoscopic hernia repair allows patients to return to their usual activities not long after they have undergone surgery. For surgeons, repairing an inguinal hernia is often easier with laparoscopic procedures than with open surgical procedures. It is also possible for surgeons to check for another hernia (and repair it) whilst the operation is ongoing.

Some other individuals prefer a laparoscopic procedure for inguinal hernia for the simple reason that it is less invasive, and the resulting scars are smaller and therefore more cosmetically feasible.

What to consider

It would be worth remembering that some individuals may need to be specially prepared for the surgery to decrease their risk of developing any complications. For example, if you have had deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in your blood vessels) in the past, you may require specific preparation and monitoring. The same is true if you smoke, take aspirin regularly, or take blood-thinning medication. In addition, if you have urinary issues like those resulting from an enlarged prostate, you would also require special care.

All in all, though, if you are well prepared for it and have informed your surgeon about your medical history as thoroughly as possible, there should be no problems with the procedure. As with other procedures, laparoscopic hernia repair can come with risks, but these risks are minimal with the proper care and preparation.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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