
Debunking the Most Common Dental Myths That Exist Today

More than a quarter of adults in the United States have tooth decay. You don’t want to be one of those suffering, do you? Dental procedures can be time-consuming and painful, so you want to keep your teeth as healthy as possible.

But, how do you tell what you really need to do to protect your teeth from the old wives’ tales? Let’s go through the top dental myths that need to be busted.

You Don’t Need To Floss

Everyone slacks on flossing once in a while. But, it’s actually an important part of your oral health. Getting the food and plaque out from between your teeth helps to prevent cavities and other issues. You should try and floss every time you brush your teeth.

Another flossing-related myth is the idea that flossing can create spaces between your teeth, which will lead to further cosmetic adjustments down the line. Your flossing technique isn’t as strong as you think.

If you’re struggling to keep your teeth on point, check out this oral health guide to get you started.

You Don’t Need a Dentist

You may believe that you don’t need a dentist unless you have an emergency and that you can do everything a dentist needs to do on your own. But, that’s not true. Dentists are specially trained to spot any health problems that you might have missed, like oral cancer.

So, if you don’t have a dentist already, look into your options when it comes to local dentists in your area.

You Should Brush As Hard As You Can

There’s a proper brushing technique that needs to be observed, and it’s not just brushing your teeth as quickly as you possibly can. But, brushing too hard will just leave you with bleeding gums.

When you’re brushing your teeth, you should make a c-shaped motion. Angle your toothbrush at approximately a 45-degree angle. Ensure that you cover every part of your teeth, not just the parts that you can see when you smile. If you’re not sure you’re doing a good enough job, you can demonstrate your technique to your dentist and ask what they think.

You should keep brushing for a total of at least two minutes. You can use a timer, or you can count in your head to see if you’ve been brushing your teeth for long enough.

And, you need to regularly replace your toothbrush. As a rule of thumb, you should replace your toothbrush every four months. This helps prevent buildup and ensures that your teeth are as clean as they can be.

Dental Myths? Now You Know

While there are a lot of dental myths out there, it’s important to separate truth and fiction. Now that you have some of the 411, you’ll be able to keep your mouth in much better shape.

Do you need more advice about health and wellness? You may want to read through some of the helpful posts on this website.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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