
Building a Support System: Why Community is Vital in Recovery

The addiction treatment and recovery field is full of technical jargon, but one of the most widely-used terms—”support system” is also one of the most misunderstood. Therefore, we have created a guide to the basics and benefits of support systems in addiction recovery.

Support Systems: What Are They?

Support systems are filled with people who offer encouragement to help others achieve their goals. Groups may offer physical assistance, emotional reinforcement, or praise when things go well. No matter the form support takes, it’s an invaluable part of recovery from addiction.

Why Support Matters

While many addiction recovery programs have solitary components, others are communal. These holistic treatment programs increase patients’ chances of success by offering the following benefits.

A Reminder of Addiction’s Consequences

Many in recovery will, at some point, feel good enough that they believe they can control themselves around their chosen substances. Having a support system allows addicts to hear the stories of those who’ve hit rock bottom, and who also thought they could keep things under control.

Good Peer Pressure

Peer pressure leads many to develop addictions, but it’s a two-way street. Support systems encourage patients to make better choices and track their progress. Addiction recovery groups offer positive peer pressure and reinforcement.

A Hand Up When Life Gets Difficult

We’re social creatures by nature. While the extent of that sociability varies, most people have psychological and emotional needs that only interpersonal interaction can meet.

Whether it’s friends or family members, support systems help prop people up when they need it most. Being around when things get tough is, in some cases, all the help a person needs.

Maintaining Forward Momentum

By allowing addicts to connect, support systems can help them maintain better outlooks and continue working through their problems. Recovery isn’t always linear, and everyone has bad days. Support systems keep issues from turning into crises while allowing those in recovery to celebrate small victories.

A Listening Ear

If you’ve ever met with a therapist or counselor, you’ve likely experienced the feeling of relief that comes with venting. When those in recovery talk to others with similar experiences, they form new connections and free themselves from the negative emotions attached to previous experiences.

Supporting Others in Recovery

Now that you’ve discovered the value of support systems in addiction recovery, let’s discuss how you can help.

  • Be more accepting. We all know about the stigma surrounding addiction—and the mistakes made during active addiction can leave a person feeling socially inferior. When we accept people’s mistakes, we support them.
  • Make yourself available. All the support in the world won’t matter if the person in recovery can’t reach you. Availability is a key part of a support system.
  • Learn about addiction. This is often considered an addendum to acceptance because one must learn about the disease to put their prejudices aside. By learning more about addiction and recovery, you can help support those who need it most.

As crucial as support systems are, they can’t do much for someone who is still in active addiction. With residential and outpatient treatment, medical detox, and support groups, we can meet your family’s addiction recovery needs. Learn more about us online or call to schedule a consultation with an addiction recovery specialist.

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Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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