Home Improvement

How to Sell Your Home in Michigan for Top Dollar – Essential Tips

Deciding to sell your home is a huge moment in life. It is the start of a new beginning, but it’s also an end to a chapter as you prepare to say goodbye to your current house. And while the hope is that you can sell your home in Michigan quickly and for top dollar, that doesn’t always end up being the case. The sale can drag out much longer than you anticipated and, in the end, you may be forced to accept an offer that you’re not exactly pleased with.

So, what’s the solution? Unfortunately, the real estate market can be volatile at times, so there is never a guarantee. However, there are some tips you can use that can help you attract buyers and get a top-dollar offer. Here are just some of those tips that can prove to be useful as you prepare to list your Michigan home for sale.

Tidy Up the Landscaping and Keep It Maintained

Because curb appeal accounts for so much of the home buying and selling market, you need to be sure that your landscape is tidy at all times. You don’t have to invest any money if you don’t want to; simply keep everything well-maintained. If you’re willing to put a little money into the landscaping, however, there are some basic tricks you can do to create a sense of beauty and amp up the curb appeal. These can include:

  • Placing oversized planters or containers in the front, ideally near the front door. Make sure the planters are filled with brightly colored flowers to create a pop of interest.
  • Add attractive exterior lighting. This can include pathway lighting, up-lighting at the base of large trees, spotlights in the garden and rope lighting on deck/patio rails.
  • Trim back oversized bushes and trees so it doesn’t look overgrown.
  • Stay on top of watering the grass to keep it lush and healthy-looking.
  • Add outdoor décor in the garden, on the deck and on the patio.
  • Invest in new outdoor furniture so that you can set the scene in the mind of potential buyers.

All of these tips will help you to get the landscaping under control and ensure that your house gets a second look.

Does the Roof Need Attention?

When you think about curb appeal, it’s important to also factor in your roof. It is one of the first things that people notice as they drive by your house, and may even determine if they stop to take a look at your home or keep driving. If the roof looks worse for wear with curling shingles, missing patches and the general sense of age, it can scare buyers away. All they will see is dollar signs as this means they will need to replace the roof very soon.

It can be wise to look into roof repairs or replacement before you list your home for sale. Yes, it is an investment on your part, but it can help your house to sell faster and for more money. You can check out roofing companies in Detroit such as Michigan Rock Solid Exteriors to get a personalized quote and figure out what exactly needs to be done.

Declutter the Interior of the Home

This is a tip that every expert recommends as it can transform how your house looks and functions. Decluttering the entire interior of your home will help it to feel fresher, brighter, more spacious and it will allow potential buyers to better envision themselves in the space.

Decluttering should involve much more than just tidying up; it should involve removing items from the home that aren’t needed or wanted. This is a process that should take time to work through, so make sure you do it well in advance of listing your home. Experts recommend you make three piles that consist of the keep, donate and garbage and then work your way through one room at a time.

If you find there is just too much ‘stuff’ even after decluttering, you may need to pack items up in bins and totes and store them in a temporary storage facility until you move into your new home.

Choose a New Color Palette for the Interior

It may also be time to choose a new color palette for the interior of your home. The best color palettes to choose from when listing your house for sale are always neutrals. Neutrals are universally appealing because they work with everyone’s décor and furniture. A neutral color palette also tends to feel more modern and fresh, and it can help to create a sense of spaciousness throughout the home.

Using all of these tips and putting in a little time and effort to prepare your house in advance will help to ensure you get top dollar for your house.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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