
How to Improve Your Writing: Easy Methods to Write Better

How to Improve Your Writing Skills in 2021

Are you a budding writer who wants to improve your skills?…

Writing is a constant learning process. As you develop, you’ll learn on the go and create a style all your own. To get started, though, there are a few things that you can do to set yourself on the right track.

Whether you’re a food blogger, a journalist, an aspiring creative writer, or even someone who just wants to write for yourself, we want to help. Keep reading to learn how to improve your writing skills.

Refine Grammar and Syntax Skills

It’s a good idea to brush up on the basics when you’re trying to improve your writing skills. While we all learn basic grammar and syntax in grade school, it’s easy to forget a thing or two once you’ve graduated. After all, a lot of that information isn’t relevant in day-to-day life.

There are plenty of websites online that have grammar and syntax activities and games to make learning more fun and approachable. Don’t feel like you have to commit to schoolbooks or boring readings to advance your skills.

Create a Schedule

If you’re someone who has a hard time committing to writing, make writing part of your daily schedule.

We all know how hard it is to find time to sit down and write. You have school, work, family responsibilities, chores, and a plethora of other things that you need to work on, not to mention trying to have some semblance of leisure time and social life.

This is why creating a schedule that includes writing is so important. It helps you think of writing as something important.

Find a time that works best for you. Some people prefer to write as soon as they get out of bed, while others do better at night. You want to write when you’re at your most focused and creative.

If you have trouble staying focused, try using an app or a collection of apps to help prevent yourself from getting off task. Check out more info here:

Read More

Reading is one of the best ways to improve your writing. Read as much as you can, and read a wide variety of texts. Only reading things in your preferred genre or style will keep you trapped in a box.

As you read, you’ll learn how writers use their skills. They may use certain speech patterns or voices, or they may use symbolism and flowery language. It all depends on what kind of writing you’re looking into.

The more you read, the more examples you’ll have in your “memory bank,” which gives you more to draw from when it’s time to put pen to paper.

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Get an Accountability Group or Partner

So you’ve made a schedule, you’ve sat down to write, and your pen is hovering above the page. Are you feeling motivated?

If not, it’s easy to avoid the task. You’ll do it tomorrow, or the next day, or never. Maybe you’ll give up on writing. Don’t do that.

Instead, have someone hold you accountable.

Look for local writing groups or online writing forums to find a group of people who can hold each other accountable. When you’re part of such a group, not only will you have a few people to look at your work, but you’ll also feel more pressured to do things on time.

If a group is too intimidating for you, find a friend that can hold you accountable. Work out a schedule where they’ll ask to see your writing every so often so you can’t avoid it.

Take a Class

Even if you’re out of school, taking a writing class or workshop is a great idea if you want to learn quickly in a professional environment.

Plenty of community colleges offer writing classes without the need for you to be on a degree track. You may also find writing workshops at local libraries, learning centers, or community centers.

You can also look for online classes through one of the many online skill-building websites. They’re great and accessible paths toward improving your writing.

Learn to Revise

Many people equate revision and editing, but they’re not the same. Both are important, but revision is the key to better writing.

Editing is when you look for errors. Sometimes the flow of a sentence is off, you have obvious syntax errors, or you have grammar issues. When you edit, you fix those things.

Revising, though, means to see with new eyes (or, in more literal terms, look at it again).

When you’re done writing, put the piece away. Don’t look at it for the rest of the night or even for the following nights. Return to it in a few days and give it another look-over.

You may find things that you wouldn’t have otherwise noticed. This is where you look for things that no longer make sense to you. Are there plot holes? Did you miss an entire section?

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Accept Criticism

One of the hardest things about being a writer is learning to build a thick skin and accept criticism from other writers. In professional writing classes, workshops often consist of a group of people commenting on one person’s work without their input.

This results in new ideas, unique edits, and sometimes complete re-writes.

When you’re learning to write, it’s important that you learn that criticisms are good for you. They help you develop as a writer and improve your work. You don’t have to use every criticism that you get, but you should be open to them.

That’s How to Improve Your Writing

Learning how to improve your writing is the first step towards perfecting your craft and loving what you produce.

There’s no such thing as a perfect writer, and you’ll never stop learning. By using these tips, though, you’re well on your way to creating work that you enjoy and that you’re proud to show off.

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Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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