Home Improvement

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Professional Painter

Sooner or later, every homeowner will need a new coat of paint. It helps protect property from certain unfavorable elements, maintains its beauty, and allows people to enjoy it more. Painting is a long time-consuming process that requires the right training, expertise, and, most importantly, adequate equipment. This makes many homeowners hire a team of professional residential painters, which is again a considerable challenge.

What to Do Before Hiring A Professional Painting Company

Residential painting is one of the most critical parts of home remodeling projects. Some homeowners like to tackle the process on their own following the video tutorials available online that offer instructions about the best painting techniques. Navigating through these videos is easy, but addressing the task is daunting. Experience and the right equipment is essential. Whatever could be the size of your property, a professional house painting contractor can indeed save your valuable time and efforts in the long run. So, if you are looking for a licensed contractor, it is good to do some research.

DIY or Hire a Professional?

Painting is considered to be an easy task for many homeowners. Dipping a roller or brush into the paint and start applying it to the walls. Sounds simple, right? Many people usually paint their houses on their own since it is the best way to save a few bucks. But, reviewing the other side of the coin hiring a professional painter is advantageous in many ways.

  • Saves time – A DIY process can indeed save you a few bucks, but consider the hours you will need to spend on the project. If you are handling the process by yourself, it can take several days or weeks to complete the entire house. Of course, you are busy enough to maintain your daily routine. So what is the point of spending spare time painting?
  • Safety is essential – Professional house painters are trained and experienced for standing hours on tall ladders, get onto the roofs, lean out the windows, and all other crazy things to complete the job they are offered. Various things you may need to do while painting your house could be unsafe if you lack the experience or right tools. Professionals, on the contrary, know what they are doing. They are trained, experienced, and come with far all required tools.
  • Quality work – Holding a brush and painting your house is not rocket science. But, is it that easy to do as precisely as a professional? Will your hands reach to those hard-to-reach corners and some other critical spots of your house? Some stages will most likely be hard to accomplish by yourself. Professionals have the expertise to manage those out of the reach areas, small gaps, spaces above doors, and other critical areas.
  • Speed – A professional will involve a team of at least three to four painters to accomplish your house painting project. However, a team will be able to complete the entire job faster than what you can do by yourself. Instead of sparing a full month or more to give your house a coat of paint, isn’t it good to let professionals do their work and allow you to sit relaxed in a freshly painted house within a few days? Indeed, completing your project professionally will let you have enough time to focus on other vital tasks.

Without a doubt, you will save your pocket doing the job by yourself, but a professional will be far better and faster than you, allowing you more time to focus on other critical things.

Right Resources For Hiring a House Painter

When looking for professionals in any field, it is good to follow the right resources. Usually, there are three essential resources you can help you hire a good and reliable professional residential painter.

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Word-of-Mouth Referrals

It has traditionally been the best and most powerful category of marketing. If a known person, maybe a colleague or a friend, recommends a product or service, you are likely to get it. So meet your known ones and ask them to recommend you a name they might have worked with recently. Try to collect a couple of referrals. Keep in mind, the more individuals you ask, the better the chances you will get to reach out to the right house painter.


The internet is the best resource ever created. Search engines like google, bing, etc. can help you find any information you want quickly. Type “your location” following with the term “painting company” into the search section, for example, house painting company in California residential painting services, and there will be a list on the screen with numbers of painting firms. Shortlist the names you find the best, contact them, meet them face to face, and this is how you will be able to reach out to the right team.

Review Websites

Review sites like Yelp and Google reviews are increasingly gaining popularity over the past few years. These websites allow you to review what people have to say about specific companies, contractors, medical practitioners, local services, and more. Moreover, through these sites, you can easily reach out to some professional house painting experts in your location.


Having a professional residential painting company handling your home painting process, you will eventually save a lot of your valuable time and pocket. Important is to ensure that you do your homework in the right way while investigating and interviewing different house painters. There is always a balance between cost, quality, and schedule. So, take what’s more critical for you into account.

Cheryl Henson

Cheryl Henson is a passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves writing, reading, and sharing blogs on various topics.

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